Tuesday, 28 April 2015

BBC news case study.
Basic details
  1. What do the letters BBC stand for? British broadcasting corporation.
  2. How is the BBC funded? by TV licence money and adverts.  
  3. What is the BBC's famous mission statement? (Clue: it's three words)inform educate and entrain 
  4. What is BBC's 1 programme remit? being a British news channel.
  5. How does the BBC News at Six fit into BBC1's remit? by making the news 30 minutes long.  

  1. Who are the presenters of BBC News at Six? George alagiah and Sophie raworth.  
  2. What are the presenters wearing? What does this communicate to the audience? The presenters are wearing a suit as this may show that it is more formal and it makes the presenter look sophisticated.As they are wearing smart clothes. May be the professional look BBC want to give.
  3. Why might a TV News programme use a variety of presenters?So it could give more variety to viewers as they may have presenter they may like. 
  4. How are other reporters or presenters used in the TV news programme? They may be used as going to get more information on the news like doing interview or getting live news.Or performing other news stories like different presenters for the weather. 
  5. Is there a balance between male and female presenters? What about race/ethnicity? What effect might these aspects have on an audience?There is a balance between presenter as there is a male and a female presenter. There is a balance between race and ethnicity as there is a Asian presenter. The effect that might be that audience will see that BBC is fair about race and ethnicity and not unbalanced.  

Opening sequence
Analyse the opening 2 minutes of the programme.
  1. What is the very first shot?A medium close up of the presenter.
  2. How does the opening sequence use graphics or images to grab the attention of the audience?BBC news very first shot is of a video on there main story. They also use graphics as they show the three people face as they show it using graphics.
  3. How is music used in the opening sequence? Music is only used at 1.22 seconds as BBC music starts playing. 
  4. How are news stories introduced in the opening two minutes? Is there just one story or are the audience told what will be coming up later?They are told what will be coming up later on in the news channel. 

Studio mise-en-scene
  1. What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience?Desk you can also see the background with there logo behind you can  also see the lighting. 
  2. Are the presenters standing or behind desks? Why do you think this is?The presenters are shown to be standing up as they may want then standing as they can see there entire body and they can also see the background.  
  3. Are journalists or technology visible? What might these things suggest to the audience? Technology is used as in the video BBC is shown as also they have used text on screen.  
  4. How does the studio use colour? The studio used colour as there is a lot of red and white in the studio. 

How news stories are presented
  1. How does the news programme typically present a story? They present it by giving the viewer what will be coming up and telling them some thing that will be coming up.
  2. What difference techniques does the programme use to present the news? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.) it is mainly camera to presenter
  3. What types of news does the TV News programme typically cover? Give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.) international,sport,labour. 
  4. Give two real examples of how news stories are presented to keep the interest of the audience. the Nepal earthquake , the former senior nurse getting sent to prison for 18 years for sexually abusing patient. 

Running order
  1. Watch the first 15 minutes of the programme – as recent as you can find.
  2. What is the top story? the Nepal earthquake .
  3. How long does the top story last for? it lasted 9 minutes.
  4. What are the other stories the programme does or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running order’). a former senior nurse has been sentence to 18 years in prison for sexually abusing and spying on pateiatns who were unconscious they spent, 
  5. How long is each story shown for? 9 minutes on Nepal earthquake 2.30 minutes on the former nurse.
  6. Why do you think each story was shown for the time it was?as it might not be that important or so they can give out extra information.

  1. What is the target audience for this BBC News at Six? Research online – you should be able to find plenty  of suggestions to the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme. bbc tries targeting an older audience.
  2. What are the viewing figures for BBC News at Six?in 2002 - 2003 the views were average 5.3 million per night.
  3. Why might someone choose to watch this TV news programme over others? as bbc news offer more British news as there news is quicker to watch.
  4. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or comment? yes they can comment on BBC news official website or Facebook or twitter.
  5. What audience pleasures (Uses and Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer?

  1. What other news programmes and services does the BBC offer in addition to the BBC News at Six? BBC breakfast and other news programme
  2. What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV News is fair and accurate? that they cant give one side of a story they have to look at both sides of a story.
  3. The BBC has been accused of 'dumbing down' the News at Six. What does this mean? Do you agree with the accusation that the news is 'dumbed down'? as they have started using more animation to show news.

TV News and New/Digital Media
  1. Does the TV News programme have a dedicated website? yes they do for BBC news
  2. What does the website offer viewers? more news that may have not been covered in the TV or more information on the news that might have not been said.
  3. Does the TV News programme have a Twitter feed? yes they do
  4. How does the Twitter feed promote the programme? by showing news on twitter as well.
  5. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or submit news stories? yes they can get involved by going to there official website.
channel 4 task

basic details

  1. When is Channel 4 News on? channel 4 news is shown at 7 pm Monday-Friday and it last 55 minutes.
  2. When was the programme first broadcast? channel 4 was launched in 1982 November 2. 
  3. What awards has the programme won? channel 4 has won the international emmy award for news in 2014,2013 and 2004. they have also won the British academy television award for best news coverage. they won it in 2012 , 2004 and 1996. they have also won British academy television awards for best news and current affairs journalism in 1994 and 1993.
  4. What is the media institution that produces Channel 4 News? it is channel 4.  
  5. Who are the presenters? channel 4 is mainly presented by Jon snow also krishnan guru murthy , Cathy Newman and matt frei. 
  6. what are the presenter wearing? what does this communicate to the audience ? the presenter are smartly dressed because they are wearing suits that might suggest that it is formal and they are more professional so it might give it a better look so it might appeal to the audience as they are dressed smartly. 
  7. Why might a TV News programme use a variety of presenters? so they can show a range of opinions or they might use different characters because they would want them to cover different stories. 
  8. how are other reporters or presenters used in TV news ? in channel 4 news presenters like matt frei is showed as being the presenter who goes live at the location where the news might of happened. Jon snow is represented as being the main presenter telling the news. krishnan guru murthy is shown as being the presenter who goes and interviews people. 
  9. Is there a balance between male and female presenters? What about race/ethnicity? What effect might these aspects have on an audience? i would say there is a balance between genders because there is a female in channel 4 news and there are 3 males i think they should have another female presenter so it will make it more balanced. i think there is a balance of race because there is a Asian presenter so channel 4 news is balanced. i don't think that this will have an major impact because they are very well known and they already have a audience so it wont be that major.  
  10. what is the very first shot? the first shot used is a medium close up of Jon snow. 
  11. how does the opening sequence use graphics or images to grab the attention of the audience? channel 4 use a shot of there main story so this may grab the audience as they are showing a bit of what will be coming up later.
  12. how is music used in the opening scene? music is used at the opening until the presenter speaks when finishing the music carry on. 
  13. how are news stories introduced in the opening two minutes ? is there just one story or are the audience told what will be coming up later.channel 4 news presented there stories by giving there main story first then telling the audience what will be coming after that. 
  14. what aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience ( desk camera etc ) we can see a desk we can also see the background with there logo on it. we can also see the lighting in the background.
  15.  are the presenters standing or behind desks ? why do you think this is ? the presenter are standing up as they may be wanted to be shown as they may be that they are different to other news channels or maybe that how channel 4 wants them to be presented i think they wouldn't be behind a desk as they are a news channels who try and give out news differently than other news channels.
  16.  Are journalist or technology visible ? what might these things suggest to the audience. they are visible as they show live scene on the news . this is used as they may want to be seen as they are very technological. 
  17.  How does the studio use color? channel 4 uses color as there studio is all purple they may have used purple as it may appeal as it look strong and sophisticated.
  18.  how does the news programme typically present a story? channel 4 present a story by mentioning the headline of the story then talking about the story with facts or citizen journalism if appropriate on the news story then clips on the news story.
  19.  what difference techniques does the programme use to present the news? (E.g. presenter to camera , reporter on location , interviews , graphics , images , video etc.) channel 4 uses many techniques to presenter the news when watching the news i saw presenter to camera then i saw citizen journalism after that i saw video of the headline. 
  20. what types of news does the TV news programme typically cover? give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.) when watching channel 4 news i saw that they coverd a international news story , then a labour story and they finally talked about sports.  
  21. give two real examples of how news stories presented to keep the interest of the audience. one story channel 4 covered a story on was the earthquake in Nepal. they kept the interest in the audience as this was the first story they covered  also they spent 
  1. What is the top story? nepal earth quake 
  1. How long does the top story last for? 2 minute
  1. What are the other stories the programme does or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running order’).labour then sports
  1. How long is each story shown for?the main story last for 2 minute and the other last for a minute
  1. Why do you think each story was shown for the time it was? as they may not be that important or not

  1. What is the target audience for this TV News programme? Research online – you should be able to find plenty of suggestions to the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme.
  2. Why might someone choose to watch this TV News programme over others? as it is more popular and it offer more international stories also maybe of the presenter or because they have wonsome awards.
  3. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or comment? yes they can share comments on twitter Facebook and there own website.  
  4. What audience pleasures (Uses and Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer?

    1. Who owns, runs or produces this TV News programme? channel 4 is publically owned corporation 
    2. Does the institution own, run or produce any other TV News programmes, channels or newspapers? yes channel 5 
    3. How does the programme fit the TV channel it is on? channel 4 news fits in with channel 4 as they same target audience they may be targeting their channel at. 
    4. What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV News is fair and accurate? to show both sides of a story and not to be biased.

TV News and New/Digital Media
    1. Does the TV News programme have a dedicated website? yes for channel 4 news
    2. What does the website offer viewers? clips on news they covered and you-tube videos.
    3. Does the TV News programme have a Twitter feed? yes
    4. How does the Twitter feed promote the programme?yes by showing clips from channel 4 news
    5. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or submit news stories?